APE SH!T-4 Phased System

APE SH!T is a fully periodized, year-long “Powerbuilding” program split into four 12-week Phases. This program is designed for Intermediate to Advanced level lifters and provides day-by-day breakdowns, weekly progressions, and embedded coaching notes. It is not for the faint of heart. Your coaches have meticulously modulated Volume, Intensity, and Frequency over 12 months to PR beyond perceived limits and achieve APE SH!T hypertrophy gains as well. Gorillas can run each phase sequentially, or choose the individual phase that best meets their goals.


Experience Bar

Phase I: PPL Hypertrophy (6 days/week)

Phase I is a high volume, moderate frequency, moderate to low intensity (% of 1RM) Push/Pull/Legs (PPL) mesocycle with the main goal of off-season hypertrophy. It is designed to build a foundation of technical proficiency and muscle mass to leverage in future strength blocks, while deloading the body from more intense loading. Best suited for off-season powerlifters, all-season “powerbuilders,” or gym rats seeking some serious size gainz. It may be ran independently, or in sequence with Phases II, III, and IV.

Phase II: Upper/Lower Technical Mastery (6 days/week)

PHASE II is a high frequency, moderate volume, moderate intensity Upper/Lower split with a focus on technical mastery. Higher frequency practice with compound lifts under moderate loading permits optimal technique progression, allowing the lifter to not only dial in their form tweaks, but to rapidly build in both strength and proficiency. Phase II is the ideal opportunity to synergistically apply muscle gainz in Phase I to the compound barbell lifts. Technique progression learned in this Phase will permit larger strength gainz in Phases III and IV as the intensity ramps up for new 1RM achievements.

Phase III: Full Body Intensification (5 days/week)

Phase III is a high-frequency, moderate to low volume, moderate to high-intensity Full Body Split designed to escalate loading in the big lifts while carefully balancing daily total body stimulation. This phase leverages the muscle mass built in Phase I with the technical progression of Phase II to dial up the intensity, preparing your body to achieve new 1RMs. Daily Undulating Periodization (DUP) and a slight increase in rest days prevent overtraining and allow the body to adapt to more frequent higher loading.

Phase IV: Peak Strength (5-6 days/week)

PHASE IV is the final stage of the year-long process. It is a high intensity, low volume, and moderate frequency SQUAT/BENCH/DEADLIFT split with accompanying accessories geared towards the strongest YOU possible. Watch as you begin to blast through previous PRs as you shock yourself with unprecedented weights. By the end of this Phase, and thus, the entire year of APE SH!T, you will be noticeably larger and stronger, and prepared to PR beyond your own perceived limits.


