From Beginner to Beast: A Comprehensive Plan for Army Combat Fitness Test Success

The Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT) is a physical fitness test that measures the physical strength and endurance of soldiers in the U.S. Army. The ACFT is a new test that replaced the old Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT). The ACFT is designed to be a more comprehensive test that evaluates a soldier's overall physical fitness. The ACFT consists of six events that assess a soldier's muscular strength, endurance, flexibility, and power. The events include the deadlift, standing power throw, hand-release push-ups, sprint-drag-carry, plank, and a two-mile run. Each event is scored on a scale of 0-100, with a minimum passing score of 60 for each event. Before developing a plan for the ACFT, it is essential to understand the ACFT standards and scoring. The test was designed to be easier to pass than Max. Passing the ACFT can be achieved with a little practice and consistency in training. However, with some passion and knowledge, it can be maxed.

Benefits of a Comprehensive Workout Plan

A comprehensive workout plan can help soldiers improve their physical fitness and prepare for the ACFT. A well-designed workout plan can help soldiers improve their muscular strength, endurance, and power. A comprehensive workout plan can also help soldiers reduce their risk of injury and improve their overall health. A comprehensive workout plan should include various exercises targeting different muscle groups. The workout plan should also include resistance, cardiovascular, and flexibility training. A workout plan should be tailored to the soldier's needs and fitness level.

Setting Fitness Goals for ACFT Success

Setting fitness goals is a crucial step in

succeeding in the Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT). Short-term goals may include increasing the number of push-ups or improving the deadlift weight. Soldiers should also set long-term goals, such as achieving a certain ACFT score or improving their fitness level. With specific and measurable goals, soldiers can track their progress and adjust their training accordingly. Soldiers should also focus on a balanced training program to succeed in the ACFT. This includes strength training, cardio, and flexibility exercises. Additionally, nutrition plays a significant role in fitness success. Soldiers should aim to consume a balanced diet that meets their daily caloric and macronutrient needs. With specific and measurable goals, soldiers can track their progress and adjust their training accordingly. A balanced training program and proper nutrition are crucial to achieving fitness success. Soldiers should also track their progress toward their goals. Tracking progress can help soldiers stay motivated and adjust their workout plans as needed. By prioritizing these elements, soldiers can improve their physical readiness and excel in the ACFT.

Developing a Beginner Workout Plan for ACFT

When developing a beginner workout plan for the Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT), it's important to focus on the foundational habits of weight training. This means prioritizing consistency over intensity. Rather than lifting heavy weights right away, beginners should focus on mastering each exercise's proper form and technique. In addition, it's crucial to get familiar with the exercises tested in the ACFT. This should be the first action plan for anyone starting a workout plan. By practicing and perfecting the deadlift, standing power throw, hand-release push-up, sprint-drag-carry, plank, and 2-mile run, individuals will be better prepared for the test and less likely to injure themselves.

Individuals can gradually build their strength and endurance by incorporating these foundational habits into a beginner workout plan. This will improve their performance on the ACFT and set them up for success in their overall fitness journey. A beginner workout plan for the ACFT should focus on building a foundation of strength and endurance. The workout plan should include exercises that target all the muscle groups used in the ACFT events. The workout plan should also include cardiovascular training to improve endurance.

A sample beginner workout plan for the ACFT might include the following exercises aside from the tested exercises:

  • Deadlifts

  • Push-ups

  • Sit-ups

  • Lunges

  • Squats

  • Bench press

  • Pull-ups

  • Running

Intermediate Workout Plans for ACFT

The Intermediate Workout Plan for ACFT should build upon the foundation of strength and endurance developed in the beginner workout plan. This plan should focus on more advanced exercises and higher-intensity training to prepare individuals for the Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT). The plan should include exercises such as pull-ups, push-ups, lunges, and squats with added weight to increase the difficulty level. It should also incorporate more challenging cardio exercises such as sprints and longer distance runs. Resistance bands, kettlebells, and dumbbells can help increase strength and endurance while having difficulty with balance and stability. Plyometric exercises like box jumps and jump squats can also be added to increase explosiveness.

In addition to the physical demands of the Intermediate Workout Plan, it is important to focus on nutrition and recovery. Adequate protein intake and proper hydration can help to support muscle growth and repair. Stretching and foam rolling can aid in recovery and prevent injury. Overall, the Intermediate Workout Plan for ACFT should push individuals beyond their comfort zone and challenge them to reach new fitness levels. With dedication and consistency, individuals can build the strength, endurance, and mental toughness needed to pass the ACFT and excel in their military careers.

A sample intermediate workout plan for the ACFT might include the following exercises:

  • Trap bar deadlifts

  • Weighted pull-ups

  • Dumbbell bench press

  • Box jumps

  • Farmer's walks

  • Sprints

  • Kettlebell swings

Advanced Workout Plans for ACFT

An advanced workout plan for ACFT should be designed to maximize both strength and endurance. This can be achieved by including advanced exercises and high-intensity interval training (HIIT) in a controlled fitness program. This plan aims to prepare soldiers for the ACFT test, making them more athletes. The workout plan should begin with a warm-up with stretching and light cardio exercises. This will help prevent injury and prepare the body for more intense exercises. After the warm-up, the workout should focus on strength training. Exercises such as deadlifts, squats, and bench presses should be included, as these exercises work for multiple muscle groups simultaneously and help to build overall strength.

Once the strength training is complete, the workout should focus on endurance training. This can be achieved through HIIT, which involves alternating between high-intensity exercise and rest periods. This type of training has been shown to improve both aerobic and anaerobic endurance, which is critical for the ACFT test. Throughout the workout plan, it is essential to incorporate advanced exercises that challenge the body in new ways. These exercises can include plyometrics, such as box jumps and jump squats, and Olympic lifts, such as snatches and clean and jerks. These exercises not only improve strength and endurance but also help to improve coordination and balance.

In addition to the workout plan, focusing on proper nutrition and recovery is essential. This includes consuming a balanced diet with plenty of protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats and getting adequate rest and recovery time between workouts. In addition, an advanced workout plan for ACFT should focus on maximizing strength and endurance through advanced exercises and HIIT. By following a disciplined fitness program that includes a proper warm-up, strength training, endurance training, and recovery, soldiers can prepare themselves for the ACFT test and become more well-rounded athletes.

A sample advanced workout plan for the ACFT might include the following exercises:

  • Barbell squats

  • Weighted dips

  • Romanian deadlifts

  • Box jumps

  • Hill sprints

  • Burpees

  • Medicine ball slams

Best Practices for Gym Workouts and Routines

When performing gym workouts and routines, following best practices to reduce the risk of injury and maximize performance is essential. Some best practices for gym workouts and routines for all levels, but especially higher levels, include:

  • Warm up before exercising

  • Use proper form and technique

  • Lift weights that are appropriate for your fitness level

  • Rest between sets

  • Perform a cool down after exercising

  • Stretch after exercising

  • Stay hydrated

Nutrition and Diet Tips for ACFT Success

Nutrition and diet are essential components of ACFT success. Soldiers should consume a protein-rich diet, complex carbohydrates, and fats. Soldiers should also drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. Don’t rely on pre-workout to get you through the test. A regular healthy diet will improve during and after the test when you recover. Pasta dinner the night before provides a delicious way to increase glycemic (carbohydrate) storage for the endurance-based exercies of the test and keep you from feeling tired by the time of the run. Overall, water is king. Drink plenty of water to keep you from cramping or dealing with the adverse effects of dehydration.

Some nutrition and diet tips for ACFT success include:

  • Eat a balanced diet that consists of a variety of foods from all the food groups

  • Consume protein after exercise to promote muscle recovery and growth

  • Consume carbohydrates before exercising to provide energy

  • Avoid sugary and processed foods

  • Limit alcohol consumption

Using Digital Products to Enhance Your Workout Plan

Digital products can be a valuable tool for enhancing your workout plan. There are many digital products available that can help soldiers track their progress, set goals, and design workouts. For example, these apps can help track how far your runs are or how fast you are running. In addition, some may help show you your heart rate during lifting exercises so you can see how your body reacts to the stimulus. Tracking your body’s progress to find your weakness and keep you on track for your goals is vital. Some examples of digital products that can enhance your workout plan include:

  • Fitness apps: Nike run app, Adidas app, apple fitness app, etc.

  • Workout tracking apps: Garmin app, apple fitness app, etc.

  • Online personal training programs: here on our websites or various other fitness influencer websites

  • E-books on fitness and nutrition: youtube also offers some free advice, although some can be misleading

Final Tips for ACFT Success

To maximize your chances of ACFT success, it is essential to follow these final tips:

  • Stay consistent with your workout plan

  • Track your progress toward your goals

  • Make adjustments to your workout plan as needed

  • Rest and recover between workouts

  • Stay motivated and focused on your goals


The ACFT is a comprehensive physical fitness test that measures a soldier's muscular strength, endurance, and power. A well-designed workout plan can help soldiers improve their physical fitness and prepare for the ACFT. By following the tips and guidelines outlined in this article, soldiers can develop a comprehensive workout plan to help them succeed on the ACFT.


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