Colton’s Hierarchy of Weight Training

Colton’s Hierarchy of Needs in Fitness:

When it comes to achieving fitness goals, there are a multitude of factors that come into play. However, five key components are essential to any successful fitness program. These five components comprise the hierarchy of fitness needs and include consistency, effort, recovery, exercise selection, technique, volume, intensity, frequency, training split, and supplementation.

Consistency, Effort, and Recovery

Consistency, effort, and recovery are the foundation of any fitness program and are essential to achieving long-term results. Consistency means showing up to your workouts and sticking to a schedule. The effort involves pushing yourself to your limits during each workout, and recovery is the time spent resting and allowing your body to recover between workouts. This is the bedrock of success. This alone will allow you to outwork genetics. Above all else, these are the first elements to master.

Exercise selection and technique

Exercise selection and technique are also crucial in achieving fitness goals. Choosing exercises that target the specific muscle groups you want to work on is vital. Also, the proper technique ensures that you use the correct muscles and minimize the risk of injury. This enables better usage of the foundational elements on when to rest and recover each muscle group. The first step is doing it; the second is doing it well.

Volume, intensity, and frequency

Volume, intensity, and frequency are also critical components. Volume refers to the amount of work you do, intensity is the effort you put into your workouts, and frequency is how often you work out. Finding the right balance between these three factors is critical to achieving your fitness goals. This can vary to each person’s schedule and needs. This takes a personal touch you must find on your own.

Training split

Training split, or how you organize your workouts throughout the week, is another essential factor. Splitting your workouts into different muscle groups or focusing on specific body areas can help you avoid overtraining and ensure you target all the muscle groups you want to work on. This plays on the previous elements into a prepared and proven rhythm. Every program needs a level of consistency that a split offers but still allows various exercises to be conducted during the split to keep the muscles guessing but rested.


Finally, supplementation can be a helpful tool in achieving your fitness goals. However, it is essential to remember that supplements should not be relied upon as the sole method of reaching your goals. A balanced diet and proper exercise program are the most critical factors in achieving long-term results. Only after the other elements are mastered, and the current diet is limited should you begin supplementing macronutrients.

In conclusion, the hierarchy of needs in fitness is an essential framework for achieving long-term results. Consistency, effort, and recovery form the foundation, while exercise selection, technique, volume, intensity, frequency, training split, and supplementation are all critical components. By focusing on these factors, you can create a well-rounded fitness program to help you achieve your goals.


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