Brian “The Neanderthal” DeGori

Brian has over 20 years of physical fitness training experience in martial arts, weight training, track, and powerlifting. He has won numerous awards in those domains, including two (2) IPL international drug-tested records for squatting and bench at the 74kg weight class. Additionally, he has represented the United States Military Academy colligate powerlifting team in competitions nationwide, earning the Most Valuable Member on the team. His competition PRs of 565 lbs squat, 353 lbs bench, and 595 lbs deadlift have since been surpassed by “in gym” competitions of 575 lbs squat, 360 lbs bench, and 602 lbs deadlifts at the 82kg weight class. Brian seeks to share the knowledge he has gathered through education and experience with others who seek knowledge, compete, and get healthier.